Tuesday, September 14, 2010

And now something completely different!
I was in Prague last Thursday (September 9), and while walking around I chanced to a square near the river where this building stands on the left side - quite spectacular even in daylight. It was half past 9 and already dark, with cool breezy wind.
When I looked over to the other bank of the river, first I thought I glimpsed three lights of a passenger airplane just over the river, maybe 50-60 meters up, trying to gain altitude towards my direction. When I looked again as it was quite unbelievable, I saw that it was three lights flying on different paths over the river, quite slowly, as one paddles in the canoe under the motionless sky and in quiet so as not to disturb the water. The three lights were dark orange and did not change in color or intensity, did not waver, but were steady all the way as I saw them.

They were moving into my direction over the river without changing altitude and so slow that I realized it was not an airplane or chopper or rocket. They did not make any noise either. From that distance, which was a couple of hundred meters now, no noise came, only the nonreflecting light of the objects. Apparently there was no body around them to reflect their light, and it was as if they were spheres as they emitted with the same intensity all the time I had my eyes on them, even when they flew over me.
When arriving above the East bank of the river, one of the lights changed its eastbound course to north-north east, and the two other followed. Then they slowly flew over the buildings, and disappeared from sight without a sound.
I then looked towards Pražský Hrad, sitting grandly atop the hill, and saw another yellow light emerging from behind the castle. In half a minute, a second one appeared. Both flew in the same eastern direction, slowly as the three before them, as if casually drifting towards a meeting point.
The time elapsed between taking the below images was 3 seconds each. The lights were approximately 40-50 meters high, below the base of clouds. It is easy to grasp how slow they flew that it took them more than 6 seconds to cover the distance towards the building captured in the photo.

I don't know what these things were, but it was quite a sight! It would be very attractive to pull this trick over Budapest, too.
Labels: 2010, Hrad, Prága, Prague, september, unidentified
Sunday, January 25, 2009
A: Barnabás fülebúbjáig érek. (2007. április)
B: Összeállnak az alkatrészei. Így születik az ember... először a szíve. Ilyen kicsi voltam (mutatja két összeérintett ujja között). És voltam semmi. Az olyan, mint a sírban. Egy kavics. Egy törött kavics. (2006 végén)
B: Összeállnak az alkatrészei. Így születik az ember... először a szíve. Ilyen kicsi voltam (mutatja két összeérintett ujja között). És voltam semmi. Az olyan, mint a sírban. Egy kavics. Egy törött kavics. (2006 végén)
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Monday, December 31, 2007
"Esik a hó, jaj de jó, vígan trombitál a mogyoró."
Sunday, December 09, 2007
M: Ha odaülünk az asztalhoz, és úgy kezdünk enni, mint a malacok, akkor úgy járunk, mint a malacok?
B: Hogyan?
A: Hát négykézláb.
B: Hogyan?
A: Hát négykézláb.
Monday, June 04, 2007
Június 3-án, Szent Véder napján, az alábbi fotósorozattal, leleplezem, kit rejt a Fekete Sisak!
Félelmetes hangján azt kérdi, hol vannak az ellopott tervrajzok, amelyekről természetesen senki sem tud semmit. (Még szerencse, nem veszi észre, a lába előtt van, félig bedugva az ágy alá!) A gyűrött ágytakaró, a ledobott tányér és villa, árulkodó jelei annak, hogy pánikszerűen menekültek a kollegák a körletből.

Na, ez a keresztes vitéz nagyon nevet!

Félelmetes hangján azt kérdi, hol vannak az ellopott tervrajzok, amelyekről természetesen senki sem tud semmit. (Még szerencse, nem veszi észre, a lába előtt van, félig bedugva az ágy alá!) A gyűrött ágytakaró, a ledobott tányér és villa, árulkodó jelei annak, hogy pánikszerűen menekültek a kollegák a körletből.
Na, ez a keresztes vitéz nagyon nevet!
Saturday, May 05, 2007
A: Egy meteor becsapta a Földet.
B: Reggelre megnehezedtem.
B: Reggelre megnehezedtem.